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25 Powerful Biblical Truths To Instill In Children

There are powerful biblical truths to instill in children that can help shape them into godly people who live according to the Bible as the ultimate authority.

God’s Word is powerful and when we live by it, it helps keep our life aligned with God’s ways and it helps us overcome our sinful nature.

As Christian parents, one of the greatest joys is watching your children on the right path and knowing they are living their lives as the person God made them to be.

God’s Word gives us standards to live by, it teaches us how to live wisely and to avoid the traps of the enemy. And instilling biblical truths in your children can set their feet on a firm foundation where they are not pulled to and fro by the world, but they can stand firm on God’s truth over their lives.

If you’re a Christian parent and you want to instill biblical truths in your children and set them on the path of righteousness so they can live a fulfilling life that pleases the Lord, here you’ll find a list of 25 biblical truths to instill in children.

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Biblical truths to instill in children
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Table of Contents

Powerful Biblical Truths Christian Parents Can Instill In Their Children

1) To Live Their Life According To The Bible As The Ultimate Authority

Teaching children to live according to the Bible as the ultimate authority sets them up on a firm foundation for life. Once they realize God’s Word is powerful, they can know to turn to it anytime and anywhere no matter what they face in life. They can learn to turn to it for guidance, strength, encouragement, and the authority they base their lives upon.

2) To Always Point Children To Jesus, Make Him The Center

Always point children to Jesus, and make Him the center of their life, because He is worthy. And teaching children to turn to Him in all situations is a way to continually point them to the truth and they’ll learn to see Jesus as the One they run to in any situation they face.

3) Help Children See Their Need For Jesus As Their Savior

Help children see their need for Jesus as their Savior, because we live in a fallen sinful world, and Jesus is the answer. When children realize they need a Savior, and they start to understand the reality of sin, it will help them see why Jesus is so important in their lives.

4) Teach Children The Value Of Biblical Wisdom, Understanding, And Knowledge

Teach children the immense value of gaining biblical wisdom and applying it to their lives. Gaining knowledge and understanding so when they read God’s Word they can fully grasp the powerful message being shared.

And reminding them how the Bible tells us that gaining wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is more valuable than gold or silver (Proverbs 3:13-13 NIV).

5) Help Children Learn To Please God And Not Man

Help children learn to please God and not man, because God’s the only one they should try to please. There is a peace that comes with not worrying about pleasing man, and knowing you are pleasing God brings joy to your life.

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6) Teach Children The Importance Of Getting Their Daily Bread From God’s Word

Teach children the importance of getting their daily bread from God’s Word, how much their soul needs God’s Word every day, and how important it is in the Christian faith.

Reading the Bible keeps our feet on a steady and straight path of truth and it helps us overcome this world.

7) Teach Children The Power Of Prayer And How To Live A Prayerful Life

Teach children the power of prayer and how to live a prayerful life. Teaching them to turn to prayer in all situations, the good and the bad.

God wants to be a part of their lives and He wants a close relationship with them, and the ability to come before the Lord for anything is such a blessing to share with your children.

8) Instill In Children A Passion For Worshipping The Lord In Spirit And Truth

Instill in children a passion for worshipping the Lord in Spirit and truth. Because God wants genuine faith and a pure heart to come before Him, and He is worthy of our praise.

As Christian parents, teaching children the beauty of worship from the heart can help them see God as holy and praiseworthy and the One to who they can give thanks for everything they have.

9) Teach Children To Find Encouragement And Strength From The Bible

Teach children to find encouragement and strength from the Bible and not from others’ opinions. When children can learn to find their strength from the Lord and not seek it from others, they will realize other’s opinions don’t matter, only God’s does.

It helps take off that extra pressure, and it can fill their hearts with true peace in who they are in Christ.

10) Help Children See Life In The Light Of Eternity, To Realize This Life Is Temporary

This life is temporary, that’s the truth, so teaching children the reality of eternity can help them grow to make the most of the time God has blessed them with.

It can help them see this life as a gift from God and it can plant a desire in them to use their life for good and to glorify God.

11) Help Children View God As A Loving And Gracious Father

When children view God as a loving and gracious Father, it helps them realize how loved they are by the One who created them. It gives them a sense of purpose, meaning, and belonging, knowing they were made intentionally by a God who loves them.

As Christian parents, we want our children to choose to turn to God throughout life and to make Him the center of their lives, and when they know that God is love, it helps them feel confident turning to God as their loving Father.

12) Teach Children The Importance Of Giving Up Selfish Desires And Living For The Lord

There are so many things in this world that can take children’s minds off of the truth, and off of God.

When we instill in our children an understanding of the importance of giving up selfish desires to pursue a life for the Lord, we can teach them how the only thing that can truly satisfy their heart desires is to live for the only One who can fill all the voids within.

Selfish desires can lead to so much hurt and pain, but living for God is fulfilling and fills your heart with peace.

13) Help Children Learn The Authority God Gives Them So They Can Live A Victorious Life

As Christian parents, we can teach our children about the authority they have when they live for Jesus. They can live a victorious life and overcome fleshly desires and sinful nature.

Because in Christ, He helps us live in this world but not be consumed by it, we can help our children live victoriously all the days of their lives through Christ.

14) Teach Children To Be Self-less, Loving, Kind, And Loyal Friends

An important and valuable thing to instill in children is how to be a selfless, loving, kind, and loyal friend to others. Friendship is a blessing from God, and to have good friends you have to be a good friend.

So teaching children how to treat others, and how to value friendship and hold it to a high standard is a blessing to them.

Instill in children a passion for God’s truth by blessing them with their own Kid’s Bible to help them get excited about studying and learning all about the Bible.

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Biblical Truths To Instill In Children
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15) Instill In Children The Desire To Take Action When They See Someone In Need

Teaching children to take action when they see a need is a great way to raise them to be people who make a difference in this world and who don’t just keep walking by.

By teaching them that in times when they see others in need and they can help, it’s the right thing to do.

16) Help Children Learn To Replace Fear With Faith

Another powerful biblical truth to teach children is how to live by faith and not let fear consume them. When we dwell on our fears, we can find ourselves living in constant fear.

But when we choose to live by faith and according to God’s Word, He has given us all we need to be victorious over fear and to live by faith.

17) Teach Children To Pursue A Life Of Holiness And Righteousness

Instill in children the desire to pursue a life of righteousness and holiness, to live their lives to please God and not man.

There are so many distractions in this world that can try to take their eyes off of the truth, but when we instill in children the desire to live a life that pleases God, it can help them stay focused on choosing wisely and making the right decisions that lead to blessings.

18) Help Children Plant God’s Word In Their Hearts To Overcome Sin

Teaching children to have God’s Word planted in their hearts is a great way to show them the power they can have over sin.

God’s Word is powerful and when we live by it, we can overcome so much heartache and pain that bad decisions would have brought into our lives.

When children have God’s truth in them, they can be set on a path of righteous living and live by biblical wisdom, making choices that avoid the snares of the enemy.

19) Teach Children The Power Of Their Words

Teaching children the power of their words is a way to help them see that everything they speak either brings life or death to others.

The Bible tells us the importance of speaking wisely and helping children to grasp this truth is a great way to teach them to have self-control with their words and to use wisdom when speaking.

20) Help Children Realize The Blessing Of Living A Quiet And Humble Life

In this world of social media, and the constant need for attention, many times the beauty of living a quiet life is overlooked.

Living a simple and quiet life for the Lord is a blessing and a great way to avoid many of the traps that can ensnare so easily in the world. Making pleasing God the main desire and goal is a great way to live.

21) Teach Children To View Each Day As A Blessing From God

Teaching children to view each day as a blessing from God is a great way to help them make the most of their time.

Because each day truly is a blessing, no one is promised tomorrow. So living for today and fully embracing the blessings God has given, is a great truth for children to strive to live by.

22) Help Children Learn To Be Cautious What They Put Before Their Eyes And Ears

Instill in children an awareness of what they put before their eyes and ears and how whatever they choose to watch and hear will have a great impact on them.

Share with them how the Bible tells us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23 NIV) and to use wisdom in these decisions. Teach them to dwell on the good, the pure, the things that please God.

23) Instill In Children A Love For Gathering With Fellow Believers

Instill in children a love for gathering with fellow believers, and a love for their brothers and sisters in Christ. This community of believers is a blessing and sharing this with your children can greatly impact them in their faith journey.

Reminding them how it pleases God when we all come together united, and worship Him.

24) Help Children Grow Deeper In Their Faith By Studying God’s Word

Teach children the importance of studying God’s Word and reading it to get their “daily bread.” Sharing with them how important the Bible is to growing spiritually and how it’s as important as your physical body needing food to survive.

Plant in them a passion for God’s Word and make it the ultimate authority they live by.

25) Instill In Children A Desire To Be More Like Jesus

And finally, instill in children a desire to be more like Jesus, because as followers of Jesus, He is our leader and the One we follow after. He set the example for all of us to follow and we should strive to be more like Him.

Teaching children how Jesus gave us all we need to live a righteous life in this dark world and if we keep our eyes on Him, we can victoriously overcome sin and evil.

A great way to instill biblical truths in children is to bless them with their very own Kid’s Bible so they can feel excited about learning God’s Word.

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There are powerful biblical truths to instill in children to set their feet on the path of righteousness, and to help them understand how to live a life that pleases God. As Christian parents, there is no greater joy than seeing your children living for the Lord and making wise choices, instilling these powerful truths in them while they are young will help set them on a firm foundation on which they can continue to grow as they get older.

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