As Christian mothers, there are many ways to live out your faith in front of your children so they can see firsthand what it looks like to live according to God’s Word.
We desire for them to see us walking with the Lord and to show them by example what it looks like to live by faith. Children see everything and are influenced by the actions they witness. So how can we as Christian mothers lead by example and show faith in action to our children? How can we live every day representing Christ to the little lives God has entrusted us with?
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As a mother, I find I can’t do anything without my children asking me what I’m doing. Whether it’s reading a book, eating a snack, or getting ready to go somewhere. Their curious little minds must know what I’m doing, at all times! This reminds me how I can be an example for them of what it looks like to live by faith and to intentionally live according to God’s Word. I can be an example for them by reading my Bible, spending time in prayer, and actively living out what my faith looks like. This impacts my children because they are not just being told how to live by faith, but they are watching and learning.
If you are a Christian mother desiring to actively live out your faith in front of your children then below are ways to do so.
As A Christian Mother, How Can You Live Out Your Faith In Front Of Your Children?

1) Let Your Children See You Read Your Bible
Live out your faith in front of your children by showing them the importance of reading their Bible, let them see you reading it. Children are curious by nature, in my household anything I’m doing my children always ask about it. “Mom, what are you snacking on?” “Mom, what are you watching?” So it’s an opportunity to share with them reasons why we should try to read God’s Word daily. If we are faithful and dedicated to reading God’s Word in front of our children we will plant that desire in their hearts too. It will eventually become a natural part of their lives. We can set an example normalize Bible reading and plant a desire in our children’s hearts to do the same.
This Kids Study Bible is a great option for instilling a passion in them for reading God’s Word. Having their own Bible makes it more exciting and special.
2) Let Them See Your Family Turn To Prayer In All Circumstances
As Christian mothers we want our children to live a prayerful life. Because we want to teach them that prayer is powerful and can be used anytime and anywhere! God hears our prayers and He cares about every aspect of our lives. So we can model this for our children and intentionally pray as a family. Turning to prayer for simple things like thanking God for a sunny day, offering Him the praise He is worthy of, or praying for help and guidance. There is always an opportunity for prayer in our lives, and it’s a beautiful gift to pass on to your children. Freely coming to our Saviour and speaking from our hearts before Him. Knowing that He hears our prayers.
This Kids Prayer Journal is a great way to teach them the importance of prayer, they can write down their thoughts and prayer requests and learn to be intentional in prayer time regularly.

3) Live Our Your Faith In Front Of Your Children By Taking Them To Church, Even When It’s Challenging
Live out your faith in front of your children by taking them to church even when challenging. Often it’s missing out on fellowship with other believers or the gospel message presented. You may be busy chasing a toddler around or finding your older children are restless, bored, and have lost their attention span quickly. You’re doing the right thing by taking your children to church even when it’s challenging. God sees your dedication, and you’re planting seeds of faith in them. Keep faithfully taking them to church and helping them see the beauty of actively being a part of the body of Christ.
4) Let Your Children See You Give Of Your Time And Finances
You can live out your faith in front of your children by letting them see you give of your time and finances. Let your children see you serve, let them see how you can bless others by giving of your time. Let them see you give financially and faithfully to the Lord. Teach them why doing these things is important and how it’s a blessing to the one giving and receiving. To instill in them at a young age the desire to give freely and with a cheerful heart. Doing it as unto the Lord for His glory.
5) Live Out Your Faith In Front Of Your Children By Letting Them See You In Times Of Weakness
Living out your faith before your children is not about looking perfect, but rather showing them how God can use weakness and bring beauty from it. We should demonstrate to them that during challenging times, it’s okay to turn to God for strength. Life brings good seasons, and seasons of struggle. So we want to teach them that the season of weakness is okay, and God can bring good from it. During weak times, we can trust God to carry us through. Teaching our children to depend fully on God. God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV).

6) Model A Christ-Centered Marriage For Your Children
Live out your faith in front of your children by letting them witness your Christ-centered marriage. Marriage demonstrates God’s faithfulness and blessings, and your children witness that. Lots of effort and prayer go into a good marriage, and many challenges can arise. A marriage that is surrendered to the Lord’s desire pleases God and is a strong example of God’s faithfulness in your life. Two imperfect people come together, depending on God as the foundation keeping their union firm. This shows what selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love looks like. And if we live a life of perseverance, our children will also desire that kind of love. God’s design for marriage is a perfect example of Christ’s love for us all.
7) Encourage A Relationship With God From A Young Age
When we raise our children in biblical truths, we need to encourage that spiritual growth in them. To teach them to go deeper in their faith, and how to steadily grow in the Lord. God can start working in a child’s life at a young age, and we want to walk beside them and teach them how to grow in faith. When our children see us actively living our faith, seeds will be planted in their lives, and over time we will see the fruits develop in their lives. Start filling their hearts with the gospel young.
Live out your faith in front of your children and model for them the desire to learn and grow in Christ. We can put our faith into action lead by example and show our children what a life of faith looks like. Because nothing we do is in vain and God sees it all. Your testimony lived out before your children will help them want to live the same. Let’s show our children how to live for Christ and how God has given us all we need to do this victoriously!