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20 Beautiful Prayers For Moms To Pray Over Their Motherhood Journey

There are prayers for moms to pray to help align their lives with God’s will and to grow deeper as Christian mothers. We can acknowledge the blessing that motherhood is and all that God entrusted to our care. We have been given precious little lives to raise, and it is a great responsibility and a gift from Him (James 1:17 NIV). As mothers, we can always lean on the Lord for the strength to help us be loving and gracious moms, who always point our children to the Lord. May He equip us to be mothers after His heart who desire to serve our children and lead them into truth.

Prayer is a gift from God, the ability to come before the Lord and present our requests, worries, fears, hopes, needs, desires, praises, and thankfulness, and to come as we are. To seek the Lord’s guidance and direction over our motherhood journeys and to find our identity in Him.

There are some beautiful prayers for moms to pray to help align their lives with God’s will and to direct their steps to be the mothers God created them to be. Because prayer is powerful and effective (James 5:16 NIV), and God hears the prayers of His people, going before the Lord and asking Him for blessings to help you be a godly mother is a beautiful thing.

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If you are a Christian mother and you desire to pray over your journey and seek the Lord’s direction, then below are some beautiful prayers you can pray.

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What Are Some Beautiful Prayers Mothers Can Pray Over Their Motherhood Journey?

1) Help Me Serve My Children

Lord, help me serve my children and selflessly look after them. Thank you for entrusting them to me, and choosing me to be their mother. I pray you give me a servant’s heart so I can find joy in the simple things, and put a desire in me to put them before myself and to nurture them and show unconditional love to them as they grow.

2) Help Me Not Get Caught Up In Worldy Things

Lord, help me not get caught up in meaningless worldly things that don’t add any value to my life. Please help me to focus on the important things that matter, and raising my children for your glory. Keep my eyes fixed on you and remove any desire within me to indulge in worldly pleasures that don’t align with your will for my life. May your truth be what leads me as a mother and I pray that you draw my children to the hope found only in you.

3) Make Me A Loving Mother Who Reflects Christ’s Love To My Children

Lord, help me be a loving mother to my children who reflects your love and points them to you in all I do. May the most important part of my life be leading them into your truth and the hope they have in you. I pray that you help me grow deeper in my faith so I can be more like you show your love to my children, and instill in their hearts a hunger for your Word.

This Prayer Journal For Women is a lovely way to be intentional and write down your thoughts and prayers. It helps create a focused and specific time in prayer before the Lord.

4) Help Me In Areas Where I Fall Short

Lord, help me when I am weak, and when I fall short, strengthen me and give me a desire to always try to do better. May I overcome weaknesses in my life that burden me, and when I mess up and make mistakes as a mother, please help me learn, grow, and persevere through all the struggles. I need your help to be a godly mother and I depend on you through it all. Thank you for being by my side every step of the way.

5) Help Me To Focus On The Blessings Of Today And Push Aside The Worries Of Tomorrow

Lord, thank you for the blessings in my life, help me to focus on the good things you’ve given me today and push aside the worries of tomorrow that are out of my control. Remove anxiety and stress from within me, and fill me with your peace that goes beyond understanding. Take the burdens of the unknowns off my shoulders and walk beside me as we face tomorrow together. I surrender my children to you and trust your plan for their futures.

This Worry Less, Pray More Women’s Devotional is a great way to take time each day to meditate on biblical truths and push aside worries and fears.

6) Rid Me Of My Selfish Desires

Lord, rid me of any selfish desires within me, purify my heart, and make me more like you. Help me to desire what you have for my life, and to be the godly mother you made me to be. Help me to put my children first and embrace this role of motherhood you blessed me with to the fullest. Keep my eyes on your truth and change within me the areas where selfishness creeps in.

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7) Help Me To Have Compassion And Love

Lord, fill my heart with compassion and love towards my children, full of grace and mercy. Help me to make decisions out of love and walk with understanding when frustrations come head-on. Help me to gracefully speak to my children and be a loving mother to them. To use wisdom in decision-making and to choose my words wisely, knowing they have an impact on my children.

8) Carry The Burdens That Are Too Heavy For Me To Bear

Lord, carry the burdens too heavy for me to bear, I pray that you take that weight off my shoulders and walk beside me through all the hardships. I place them all in your hands, knowing that with your help I can face anything that comes my way. Help me to not take on the worries and concerns of this world and make them my burdens, rather help me to walk in your peace and freedom and to have a heart full of assurance that you are with me and you will never leave my side.

9) Instill In Me A Desire To Speak Life Over My Children, And Control My Tongue

Lord, help me to control my tongue and to use it to speak words of life and hope over my children. That hurtful thing won’t come out of my mouth and I can learn to choose my words wisely. May the words that come from my mouth be glorifying to you and represent your truth to my children. Convict my heart when unnecessary words come out of my mouth, and instill in me a desire to speak life to my children, even when I am dealing with everyday frustrations.

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10) Bless Me With Patience And Grace Towards My Children

Lord, help me to be patient and gracious towards my children so that they feel peace and love when they come to me. That I won’t be a cause of anxiousness in their life but a source of peace and security to them. That they will feel relaxed and safe in my presence and that my role as a mother can point them to you. Help me to find my strength to deal with challenges in you, and that I choose to deal with them according to your Word.

11) Fill My Heart With A Joy And Peace That Only Comes From You

Lord, fill my heart with the joy and peace that comes from you, one that this world cannot offer. An inner peace that removes any fear or worry of this life, and replaces it with hope and joy. You are my everything and I place my trust in you, make me a joyful mother who passes that joy onto my children. A mother who chooses to celebrate and be glad for the blessings you have given me.

12) I Pray For Good Health So I Can Be A Strong And Attentive Mother

Lord, help me to walk in good health so I can be a strong and attentive mother to my children. So I can be there for them and help them go on the right path in life. Help me not to worry about my health or things out of my control, I surrender my health to you trusting my life is in your capable hands. Help my mind not to wander and think the worst thoughts, but I pray you help me take captive those negative thoughts and replace them with your truth that brings life and hope.

13) Give Me Wisdom To Make Wise Decisions On Behalf Of My Children, And Always Live According To Your Word

Lord, help me make wise decisions on behalf of my children so that I can confidently know what is best for them and for the courage to make them even when it isn’t a popular choice. Help me to find wisdom in your Word and to prayerfully seek you for guidance when those hard decisions come. May I feel confident knowing you have equipped me to be the best mother to my children and to care for them.

14) Keep My Feet On The Steady Path Of Righteousness, That My Children May Follow My Footsteps

Lord, help me to live a life of righteousness so my children can follow in my footsteps and be on the steady path of hope. May they desire to live their lives for you, and I pray you give me the courage to have the faith to lead them confidently and victoriously.

15) Instill In Me A Desire To Love My Spouse Deeply And Serve Him And May My Children Can Be Blessed By Our Relationship

Lord, fill my heart with a deep unwavering love for my spouse, one that is unconditional and quick to forgive. May our relationship be a blessing for our children and may we set the example of what you designed marriage to look like. I pray you continually bless my marriage and make me a godly wife and mother.

16) Help Me To Be Slow To Anger, And Quick To Lend A Helping Hand

Lord, help me to be slow to anger and quick to lend a helping hand. Take away any parts of me that judge others or assume too quickly. Help me to choose to serve and help others in need. To model this for my children so they see what it looks like to serve others out of love.

17) Open My Heart To Accept Correction And Use It To Grow Stronger As A Mother

Lord, help me to always accept positive correction as a mother, and to be open to the growth that comes from learning from mistakes. Change my heart so I can view correction as an opportunity to develop more, and continually grow in my character.

18) Keep Me From Getting Caught Up In The Things That Don’t Matter, But Keep My Eyes On Eternal Matters And Raising My Children For You

Lord, help me to not get caught up in the things that don’t matter, that are meaningless and fleeting in this world. Help me to keep my eyes on eternal matters and point my children to your truth. Help me not to live only for today but to always remember that each day is a blessing from you and each breath is a gift. May I never take any day you bless me with for granted and find the blessings of each day.

19) Instill In Me A Desire To Live A Life Of Holiness And Worship, So I Can Point My Children To You By My Actions And Choices

Lord, I pray that you help me live a life of holiness and with a heart of worship towards you. That my children can see by my actions and choices the hope that comes from following You. Be the center of my life and may I walk in your truth, bless my motherhood journey as one that reflects your love, and walks according to your ways.

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20) Fill My Heart With Contentment And Thanksgiving For The Blessings I Have

Thank you Lord for all the blessings you’ve given me, I pray that you fill my heart with contentment and thanksgiving. That I may be satisfied with what I have and choose to count my blessings. I pray that in my motherhood journey, I can teach my children how to be content and thankful and help them focus on the things that truly matter in life.

There are several prayers for moms to pray over their motherhood journey to help align their lives with God’s will. Powerful prayers that will fill your life with God’s blessings and that will influence your children. As mothers, we can find the strength to walk out our journeys for the Lord and ask God to make us more like Him in all we do. That our children see the hope of the gospel through our actions, words, and the truth we instill in them. Prayer is powerful and effective (James 5:16 NIV) and we can confidently go before God and ask Him to do good work in our hearts.

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