As Christian parents, you should take your children to church because instilling in them a desire to attend church and actively be a part of the body of Christ is a big part of being a follower of Christ.
The church is a place to grow in faith and fellowship with other believers. Many challenges can arise when taking young children to church, like spending the service chasing a toddler around or trying to get older restless children to sit quietly and attentively. Sometimes, it’s easier to stay home, and taking Sundays “off” to relax can be tempting.
As Christians, we are responsible for instilling God’s Word in our children’s hearts and leading them into biblical truth. One day you will look back and know it was not in vain. God sees your dedication and good seeds are being planted in their hearts.
I’ve struggled to take my young children to church. I often thought “Why bother, I don’t get to enjoy the sermon or enjoy fellowship.” As I was too busy keeping my child safe and out of places they shouldn’t be. My husband and I kept taking them and some weeks it felt like it was for nothing. We decided since they were born, that church was an important part of our family’s life. We want our children to see church as a valuable part of their lives. And God sees the hard seasons, all the tantrums, and the weeks that feel like we are dragging our children to church. Truthfully, even when it’s hard, taking them to church is the right decision and one that will bless their lives deeply.
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If you are in that challenging season of life with young children, where taking them to church every week feels exhausting and like a dreaded weekly obligation, below are encouraging reasons you should choose to push through and take your children to church.
What Are Some Reasons You Should Take Your Children To Church?
1) To Instill In Them a Desire To Be A Part Of A Church Community And Fellowship With Other Believers
You should take your children to church to fellowship with other believers. Because we are called to encourage, uplift, serve, and pray for one another.
So taking them weekly allows them to be a part of a church community that over time turns into a church family. And you’re showing them the value of actively being a part of the body of Christ.
Church is a gathering of believers coming together to praise the Lord and it’s a beautiful thing when God’s people unite. Let’s invite our children to have that blessing in their childhoods and give them this gift to take into adulthood.
2) Church Can Become Some Of Your Child’s Best Childhood Memories
You should take your children to church because it may be some of your child’s best childhood memories. Some of my fondest moments as a child are attending church events, like Sunday school, and Vacation Bible School.
Because it’s a fun time for children to connect with others their age, and learn about the Word of God. Churches offer so many creative outlets for children and they can be a big part of a child’s fun experiences growing up.
And knowing that your child is being fed the truth is a blessing for parents. Churches offer creative ways to learn about the Bible, at kid-friendly levels. Because they are never too young to hear the gospel message.
3) You Should Take Your Children To Church Because We Were Never Meant To Live Out Our Faith Alone
Church is a community of believers coming together to worship the Lord because we were never meant to walk our faith journeys alone. And there are many times we depend on one another, through hard times and joyous celebrations.
The church community offers an atmosphere that is like a second family. And they can walk with you through all the seasons of life. We can invite our children to participate in being a part of this gathering of believers so they know that they don’t have to walk their faith journeys alone. The church is God’s beautiful design for bringing people together in unity under Him.
4) Teach Our Children To Give God Time In Their Week
Taking our children to church weekly teaches them the importance of making time for God during their week. Because we should make God a part of our lives daily and God deserves this intentional time from our busy lives.
And we want our children to grow up desiring to go to church and take it into adulthood and become a normal part of their lives. Because if we don’t take them as children, how can we expect them to want to go as adults?
As Christian parents, we are responsible for showing them the way, and the church fills their hearts with the truth that God gave us to live a victorious life! It feeds us spiritually and helps us stay on the right path.

5) We Should Take Our Children To Church Because We Want To Please The Lord And Be Obedient
We should walk in obedience as Christian parents and do what He asks of us. One day we will stand before God and hope we did all we could to instill the gospel message in our children’s lives. And the decisions we make today affect future generations.
Because we need to lead in action and show them why going to church is important. In Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV says “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Walking in Obedience will bless your whole family and generations to come!
6) We Want Our Children To Make Quality Believing Friends
Another reason to take your children to church is because it’s a great place to meet like-minded friends! Other parents bring their children, who are also being raised in the faith. It’s a place where your child can make quality believing friends that can become lifelong friendships.
We desire for our children to have friends who are positive examples in their lives and who can walk beside them on their faith journey. So church is a great way to make friends who have the same goal of living a life that pleases God. So let’s give our children this opportunity to make friendships that inspire and encourage them.
7) Church Connects Your Family On A Deeper Level
When you take your family to church every week, united together, it helps connect you on a physical and spiritual level. And it enables you to live in unity with God as your family unit’s foundation. Because it provides a solid, safe, lasting purpose to your family, that goes deeper than things of this world.
Particularly it helps you become Kingdom-minded and shows your children that this world is temporary and we need to be prepared for eternity. Because no one knows when their last day on this earth will be. And your children will learn the true meaning of life according to God’s Word. They will learn that we should live with eternity in mind and the church keeps us focused on that reality.
8) You Should Take Your Children To Church Because It allows Them To Find Godly Role Models
You should take your children to church because it’s a place where you can find people who desire to live for God. It Provides an opportunity for your children to have good godly role models in their lives that they can turn to as they grow.
Sometimes they don’t want to open up to their parents, so the church provides good Christian examples who can support your children as they grow. They can be a positive influence for your children, such as pastors, youth pastors, and children’s leaders who are available for your child when they have questions and need counsel. And the church is a place where you can feel good about your child getting some biblical advice and godly wisdom!
9) You Should Take Your Children To Church Because Their Relationship With God Should Be A Priority
As Christian parents, we want our children to have a deep, real, and maturing relationship with God their Creator. We have been given a responsibility from God to lead our children in the truth.
By taking them to church regularly we are giving our children a steady way to grow deeper in their relationship with the Lord. The discipline of attending church weekly helps to keep them on track and constantly hearing the gospel message so they can continually grow in their faith. Teaching them God should be a priority in their lives and living a life for Him requires us to give up other things to give more time to God.
This Kids Study Bible is a great option for planting God’s Word in children’s hearts and filling them with a passion for biblical truth.

There are important reasons why you should take your children to church as Christian parents. Because teaching them the importance of being a part of a church community and gathering with fellow believers weekly is important.
And desiring for them to want to go to church as a normal part of their lives. Also, it gives them opportunities to meet like-minded quality friends and to serve in the church. Let’s give our children the blessing of being a part of a church community, and instill in them biblical truth and discipline that draws them closer to God!